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Ep. 89: ChatGPT for Agile Transformation


This episode dives into the role of AI in Agile coaching, suggesting that while AI tools like ChatGPT could enhance human capabilities, they should not be seen as replacements and must be critically evaluated.

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In a recent episode of the Definitely, Maybe Agile podcast, Peter Maddison and Dave Sharrock explore if AI tools can replace Agile coaches. Is there a future where ChatGPT or other AI-powered tools eliminate the need for human interaction in Agile coaching? Discover their insights on how AI can enhance our knowledge and potential pitfalls to avoid.

This week's takeaways:

  • AI could be seen as an augmentation of human capabilities rather than a replacement. This can accelerate learning and problem-solving.
  • It's important to understand and evaluate the output of AI tools, as they may not always be correct.
  • We should start experimenting with AI now, but always be ready to take back control if needed.

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