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Ep. 93: The role of the c-level and the board in digital transformation with Jorge Arevalo


Special guest Jorge Arevalo discusses the crucial roles of C-level executives and boards in successful digital transformations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the 'why,' fostering a safe environment for innovation, and ensuring board-level digital literacy.

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In this episode, Peter Maddison and David Sharrock have a special guest, Jorge Arevalo, CIO, CTO, IT Director, and consultant. The topic of discussion for today's episode revolves around the role of C-level executives and the board in the context of digital transformation. Jorge shares his firsthand experiences with digital transformation projects in the banking sector and sheds light on the challenges C-level executives and boards face during these initiatives.

This week's takeaways:

  • Understand the why. Having a clear understanding of the why will help to guide the transformation and ensure that it is successful.
  • Create a safe environment. In a safe environment, people feel comfortable enough to speak up resulting in a greater willingness to share ideas and take risks.
  • Ensure digital literacy. The board of directors should have a basic understanding of digital technology.  We talk through how to make this happen.

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