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Ep. 98: Holistic Thinking in Digital Transformation with Pia Wendelbo


Discover holistic change management with guest Pia Wendelbo, as the episode focuses on the human aspects of transformation, the value of incorporating "slack" for work-life balance, and the continuous need for learning and improvement.

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Join Peter Maddison and David Sharrock on the latest episode of Definitely, Maybe Agile as they sit down with Pia Wendelbo, change agent and CEO of Scandinavian Change Agents. Together, they delve into the crucial topic of holistic thinking in change management. Pia highlights the often overlooked impact on people during a transformation, emphasizing the importance of considering culture, staff happiness, and the structures and processes affected by the change. This insightful conversation highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to change management that fully embraces human aspects of organizational transformation.

This week's takeaways:

  • Recognize that individuals are at the core of any transformation effort.
  • Incorporating "slack" into work life can bring balance and productivity.
  • Continuous learning and improvement are crucial in transformation.

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