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Transforming Views from Tactical to Strategic

"Seeking outside consultation on our organic agile journey has provided us with a professional and honest view of our actions to-date. I’m confident that with the advice shared throughout the process, we will be successful in achieving our agile transformation. "
Vice-President, Information Technology

The Customer is a Canadian Insurance Company primarily focused on property and casualty insurance, specializing on commercial lines. This insurance company has full-services branches all over Canada.

The Challenge

  • The Customer started its agile journey within the IT Team (40-50 people) 5 years ago
  • The IT Team is currently working in a hybrid waterfall/agile way, is lacking common knowledge and understanding and it is using too many methodologies and tools
  • The Leadership Team is looking for a partner who can help assess current status, define the best path forward and help build the transformation plan
  • The overall goal is to overcome a very tactical approach and implement a more strategical view

“Increment One supported the team in defining and aligning on the goals and action steps needed to embed agile delivery best practices across our organization. The facilitators kept us focused on outcomes, challenging us to think critically on those areas we need to shift to support short- and long-term success. They did a great job helping us prioritize actions, ensuring everyone’s voice was heard and maintaining openness across teams.”

Associate Vice President - IT Solutions Delivery

The Solution

  • Facilitated interactive sessions (Online Survey, One-to-One Interviews and Leadership Insights Workshop) aimed at learning the Customer’s existing environment
  • Level set and aligned the leadership team on the agile strategy and approach (Organizational Benchmark & Assessment)
  • Co-created an organizational transformation plan following an assessment and benchmarking exercise
    (Organizational Roadmap Workshop)
  • Identified a pilot program and defined a roll-out plan at the offset, with clear dependencies/entrance criteria (Organizational Roadmap Workshop)

"When it comes to Agile transformations, it’s hard to know which strategies are right for your organization as each organization is different with different needs. Throughout our IncrementOne engagement, they provided us a very good balance of recommendations between what was industry best practice and what was reasonable/realistic for our organization, given the many constraints we might have. This showed they really heard what we were saying and tailored success factors to us."

Associate Vice President - IT Solutions

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